Name | Purpose | Expiration |
show_cookie_message | Ukládá informaci o potřebě zobrazení cookie lišty | 1 year |
__zlcmid | This Cookie is used to store the visitor’s identity across visits and the visitor’s preference to disable our live chat feature. | 1 year |
__cfruid | This cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare - Including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS connection for website operators. | session |
_auth | Ensures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and visitor. | 1 year |
csrftoken | Helps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. | 1 year |
PHPSESSID | Preserves user session state across page requests. | session |
rc::a | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. | persistent |
rc::c | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. | session |
AWSALBCORS | Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience. | 6 days |
18plus_allow_access# | unknown | |
18plus_cat# | unknown | |
bs_slide_menu | unknown | |
left_menu | unknown |
Introduction » Hobby » Bombažna tkanina 100 x 140 cm | animal motif
Bombažnatkanina 100 x 140 cm ni le tkanina, temveč umetniško platno, ki vaši ustvarjalnosti daje prosto pot. Z različnimi vnaprej natisnjenimi motivi ponuja neskončne možnosti za ustvarjanje izvirnih del. Motivi na njej so kot osnovna skica za vašo umetniško vizijo. Z barvami ali tekstilnimi markerji jih lahko pobarvate po svoji domišljiji in osebnem slogu. Bombažna tkanina postane platno za vaše ideje in stvaritve. Je več kot le tkanina - lahko postane podstavek pod skodelico kave, blazina na kavču, elegantna elastica za lase ali celo nakupovalna vrečka z vašim domiselnim dizajnom. Ustvarjalnost ne more biti omejena, zato lahko to tkanino uporabite tudi za vezenje in ustvarite edinstveno tekstilno umetnost. Bombažna tkanina ni le material, temveč prostor za izražanje vaše individualnosti. Za vse, ki imate radi ročna dela in izvirne stvaritve, je ta tkanina odličen začetek za ustvarjalno pustolovščino.
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